Now it is Brandon's turn to celebrate his birthday. He actually got his birthday cake on Thursday even though he didn't get to open presents until today. The reason is because I was planning on making a football field cake for the first game of the NFL season and we were having some friends over to watch the game. I baked a cake that morning and when my neighbor dropped the kids off from being at preschool, she and chatted at the door for a couple minutes. When I got back inside and walked into the kitchen, there was a huge chunk of cake missing with crumbs all over the counter and floor. I look over to see Brandon with a mouthful trying to hurry and gulp down the evidence. I will skip over what I did next and let's just pretend that I acted like it was no big deal. Luckily I had another cake mix in the pantry so I got to work on another one. As soon as I put the second cake in the oven, some ladies from church came over to visit...30 minutes early than I had expected. I was a mess, the kitchen was a mess, and the kids were acting up more than usual. It was the worst visit anyone has ever had at my house because at every turn, Brandon was getting into everything I had left out from baking. First he grabbed the flour container, then the shortening container, then he plugged in the hand mixer (thankfully the beaters where in the sink) and dropped it on the floor because the noise they made scared him. Basically, he got into everything I had left on the counter while I was trying to have a conversation with these ladies. I was so embarrassed when they left and I know there were thinking that I was way in over my head with three children now. The cake turned out great and right before I served it up that evening, I told Brandon that this was his birthday cake and we needed to get some pictures of him next to it. This afternoon he opened presents and daddy took he and Briana to the Hill Field Flight Museum where there are a ton of planes and helicopters for him to look at. Then tonight we had ice cream to finish off his special day. I don't think he cared at all that we didn't have any cake today and I'm glad that I didn't have to bake another one.