Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sleeping Beauty and other pics

Brandon is still adjusting to not getting naps and sometimes falls asleep in the afternoon. Usually I'll let him sleep unless it is really late (anything after 4pm is late to me) so I'll let him get 10 minutes in and then wake him up so it doesn't mess up his nighttime sleep which is way more important to me. Sunday afternoon we put a movie on for the kids and half way through Craig checked the couch where Brandon was sitting and we saw this.
So cute!!

Here are some other random pictures I took of the kids last week. Brandon does have his moments when he actually wants to pose for the camera so I have to take advance of it. I'm still working with Briana to not have the "deer in the headlights" look when posing for a picture.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Quick Family Photo

We just got in the door from church and the kids started heading upstairs to get changed out of their church clothes when I decided I wanted to get a family picture of us. With Craig's parents in town, this was a good opportunity to get one done. Of course Brandon was difficult as ever but as least 3 of us were looking at the camera. I also got a cute one of the kids at the top of the stairs right before bed one night.

Grandma and Grandpa are coming!!

Craig's parents got a mission call to serve in the Tokyo Japan Temple so they came up a few days earlier to spend with us before entering the MTC in Provo. Briana couldn't wait to see Grandma and Grandpa and asked me everyday when they were coming. We had a great visit with them and got to see some of Craig's extended family as well while they were here.

Here we are with Craig's Aunt Ruth after going out to lunch

The kids with Grandma and Grandpa

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


No, this is not a joke so you can pick your jaws up off the floor now.

I’ll be 15 weeks on Saturday and figure it is time to get the word out.
Craig and I are still trying to process that this is reality and not some wishful dream because as you all know, this has been something we’ve been wanting for many years.


We decided 11 years ago to try and start our family and haven’t done anything since to stop a pregnancy from happening. Truly this is the Lord’s work with so many years past, 3 years of un-successful fertility treatments, and two adoptions later to have this happen now.

So to tell you the story about how we found out I was pregnant, I bought a pregnancy test on January 2nd after being a week late and I knew something was different but continued to deny it not wanting to get my hopes up. I grabbed the cheapest test there was at Wal-mart ($2.78) and Craig’s comment was, “Your wasting our money” in his smartass tone of voice. So this was on a Saturday and I didn’t take the test until the next morning. After seeing the positive sign on the test, I went to find Craig and here is how our conversation went:

Me: “The test was positive.”
Craig: “Huh….”
Me: “Yeah”

That was all we said about it the rest of the day. I think both are minds were reeling with what that test could mean, was it really going to happen, it is a false positive….seriously though, I think we both were freaking out as well. I made a doctor’s appointment for that Thursday and basically wasn’t going to leave until I had an ultrasound done because I wanted to know what was going on. So I had my ultrasound at 6 weeks and saw and even heard (yes, I heard the heartbeat) what I needed to make it real for me. For the most part, I’ve been feeling really good. I actually feel the best in the mornings and by the afternoon, I’d get indigestion and the worst upset stomach that would last until bedtime but this only lasted for about 3 to 4 weeks. I feel great now and basically eat the same as I always have with no food cravings or anything like that yet.

Craig and I plan to find out the sex next month so we’ll keep everyone updated on the pregnancy and we ask for everyone to keep us in your thoughts and prayers that this will be a successful and healthy pregnancy for us.

My due date is September 5th.