Friday, July 25, 2008

We have a lawn...maybe too much lawn

It has been three weeks since we laid down grass in the backyard. I first mowed last week and just mulched - it wasn't too bad. Then yesterday I did the front and back together, bagging the whole thing and it took me FOREVER. I even got a sunburn on my face because I was outside for so long. Seriously, if we had some money lying around I'd tell Craig we have to get a riding mower. He hasn't even mowed the whole yard yet so he doesn't truly understand what a pain in the butt it is. We still have a long way to go too for it to be completely finished. We left room in the very back for fruit trees, a shed, and a garden. Then we have to lay that bedding fabric to prevent weeds and cover it with mulch in all the beds down the sides of the yard and along the house. Then once that is done, we have to fill the beds with plants and flowers. Does anyone have some money that we could have to do all this? Yeah, that is what I thought. It is going to be costly so it will take us awhile for it to get done. But aside from my complaining though, it is so nice to have a backyard and have somewhere for the kids to play...FINALLY!!

Before shots:

After shots:


McCartneys said...

Holy cow , you got some lawn !!! We have huge yard too and after a few times mowing andy decided it was worth having a kid do it for $30 a week !! I'd do it if Emily would cooperate-- I like the exercise. Im sure you love just letting the kids go out and play. It looks really nice and green !!!

Amy said...

What a gorgeous lawn!

Anonymous said...

Why catch the grass at all? Just mulch it and it makes great fertilizer.