Monday, November 3, 2008

Briana and her aprons

Briana loves her play kitchen that we got her for her birthday and whenever she decides to bake something which usually is cookies, she has to put on her apron before she can do any baking. I find it funny that she does this because I never wear an apron myself so I'm not sure where she learned that from. My mom had made her two aprons to go along with the kitchen so she'll come up to me and ask for help in tying one of them around her waist. She then goes off to her play kitchen and later brought me a plate of cookies looking like this. She is too funny!! In addition to the apron, she also has on a princess skirt too. Pretty much everday at some point, she'll ask if she can get her curtains (meaning play clothes) out. Each day she comes downstairs in something different. She definitely is a girly-girl!!

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