I was so excited this year to have my kids dress up as Cinderella and Prince Charming. I already had the Cinderella dress given to me by a friend and that was all Briana talked about for the last two weeks. But as of about a month ago, I didn't know what I was going to do for Brandon and actually it was Craig that came up with Prince Charming. What an easy costume since he had the clothes already for it. He wore a white dress shirt, khaki pants, and I made him a royal blue cloak with gold trim and for his crown I hit my local Burger King. I added in gold trim the letters PC on the back of his cloak and on his crown I covered up the Burger King logo with a white sticker I colored blue and in yellow wrote PC just in case people couldn't figure out who he was. I was hoping that with him standing next to Briana all evening that it would be pretty easy. Well, once he took off the crown, everyone thought he was Dracula...whatever!! Our first outing was to our church's Trunk-or-Treat activity that was held on an empty cul-de-sac. Craig took the kids from car to car while I handed out candy in the back of the Jeep. Once back at home, Craig took the kids up and down our street for more trick-or-treating. Brandon eventually got bored and started messing with the neighbor's decorations so he brought him home and took Briana out for more. Craig said she did really good saying "trick-or-treat" and "thank you" and she even carried on with salutations to a neighbor saying "see ya", "happy halloween", bye-bye", "see you tomorrow". I guess the neighbor just started to laugh after this continued for awhile but kept it up to please her. Overall, the kids had a great time and loved getting all the candy. I'm not sure if I'll be able to decide for them what they'll be next Halloween but if Star Wars continues to be popular at our house then I'm thinking Darth Vader and Princess Leia!!

they look so cute....I wish they did trunk or treat here. Its kinda lame how they do it down here!! But at least it was warm here, about 70 which is a nice change from Utah halloweens! Cute idea for Brandons costume!
They are so cute and so big! It will be fun to see your blog.
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