We experienced our first White Christmas this year spending the holidays at home. It was a great week with Craig coming home early most days and us just hanging out together as a family. The kids and I didn't get out of the house much Christmas week because we got snow almost everyday and the roads were a mess. Christmas Eve we carried on with the Texas tradition of tamales and chili and then watched The Polar Express ending the night with the kids opening one present from under the tree and reading about baby Jesus from A Christmas Story children's book. Christmas morning the kids finished unwrapping the rest of their gifts and played all morning with their new toys while Craig and I enjoyed a big breakfast. They took great naps from all the excitement of presents that morning that Craig and I had our Turkey dinner with all the fixin's alone and loved it!! No interruptions, no whining about the food, no arguments...you all know what I'm getting at. Anyway, the timing was perfect that as we cleaned our plates, the kid woke up and then they ate so I just left everything out until they were done. We spent the rest of the evening lounging around while the kids played, snacking in the kitchen, and enjoying our Christmas together. Even though it was a quite day without any other family around, it was nice spending the day at home.
We took pictures from Craig's work camera for Christmas morning and the pictures turned out terrible and grainy looking. Later that day I used our old digital and the pictures (the last 3)came out so much better.
All the stocking stuffers came from a convention Craig attended in Vegas at the end of November. The biggest hit: a slinky and a flashlight keychain

They are into puzzles so they got a ton of them this year

This is the beginning of all the Star Wars stuff for Brandon

Brandon was so excited when we told him that these were Darth Vader gloves even though they are really Batman. My mom got them for a $1. The original price tag was still on them for $19.95 - what a deal!!
Grandma and Grandpa Holbrook sent this snow tube that I haven't inflated yet as you can tell. It is awesome and I can't wait to get the kids outside in it - they will have blast. Here they are testing it out already!!