Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dressed for Christmas

I had to snap a couple photos of the kids today before we headed out to church. This is the first time Briana has worn this dress even though we bought it a couple years ago and she and I both were excited for her to wear it today.
**To explain about the line across Brandon's neck, he was in the playroom standing on the window seat, grabbed the blind cords and somehow pulled them across his neck, or strung them around his neck, or whatever, but that is the mark that it left. I happened to walk in just after he did this because he was grabbing his neck when I came in. It makes me sick thinking about it!!! I swear the older he gets, the more stuff he is getting into.

1 comment:

McCartneys said...

Oh my gosh... I came in from the gym the other day and Em had the blinds cord around her neck yelling "DAADDYYY"! I freaked. That is so scary! Hope you had a great Christmas !