Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Naps No More

It is a sad day for me because the kids will no longer be taking naps in the afternoon. I really have been putting this off for the last couple weeks but this morning after Brandon came into our room at 6:40am this morning, I decided then that naps are over. He has been waking up really early for awhile now and his naps are only like 1 1/2 hours but I guess that is enough to cause him to not need much sleep at night. Briana really doesn't even nap anymore but she'll go to her room and play in her bed with her stuffed animals or read books. Not having to break up the day for naps does have its advantages but I know this will be an adjustment for me. I'm just going to have to come up with some creative ideas to keep them busy so they don't drive me crazy all day.


Amy said...

Make them have quiet time at the time they used to nap. Quiet time for us is books, no toys. I set a timer for 30 minutes and they have to wait for the bell to come out.

Ashley said...

I hate when they give up naps! I love that down time.

Amy said...

Hey...any news? Wondering if you're getting closer to finding out if it's a boy or girl?