I have two Easter dresses for Briana so I thought I'd take some pictures of the kids now with one of her dresses and have her wear the other one for Sunday. I figure Sunday pictures will have some of Craig and I in them too.
1st Attempt-Tuesday: The kids were rested from their afternoon naps and had a snack so I thought I was well prepared with candy too for bribery if needed. I started with Briana first since she is easy as far as giving instructions to. I got some good ones of her. Then I tried the both of them. Once I added Brandon into the equation, things headed on a downward spiral. I would ask Brandon to give Briana a hug and he would pretty much strangle her. They both were moving so much that most of the pictures came out blurry. The candy bribe pretty much backfired on me because that was all Brandon wanted one he saw it and wouldn't sit still for anything. I got so frustrated that I called it quits knowing that I didn't get many good pictures.
1st Attempt-Tuesday: The kids were rested from their afternoon naps and had a snack so I thought I was well prepared with candy too for bribery if needed. I started with Briana first since she is easy as far as giving instructions to. I got some good ones of her. Then I tried the both of them. Once I added Brandon into the equation, things headed on a downward spiral. I would ask Brandon to give Briana a hug and he would pretty much strangle her. They both were moving so much that most of the pictures came out blurry. The candy bribe pretty much backfired on me because that was all Brandon wanted one he saw it and wouldn't sit still for anything. I got so frustrated that I called it quits knowing that I didn't get many good pictures.
Brandon is eating M&M's while Briana is checking her inventory in her hand
This would of been a cute picture if Brandon's mouth wasn't full of candy
Let go of her neck - she needs to breathe!!
2nd Attempt-Wednesday: This time I waited until after dinner. I started with Brandon and got him laughing so I got some good ones of him. Then I tried them both together again. It went much better but I was spent once it was all over. The candy dish that they couldn't get enough of
A good picture with both of them looking at the camera - FINALLY!!
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