Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sleeping Beauty and other pics

Brandon is still adjusting to not getting naps and sometimes falls asleep in the afternoon. Usually I'll let him sleep unless it is really late (anything after 4pm is late to me) so I'll let him get 10 minutes in and then wake him up so it doesn't mess up his nighttime sleep which is way more important to me. Sunday afternoon we put a movie on for the kids and half way through Craig checked the couch where Brandon was sitting and we saw this.
So cute!!

Here are some other random pictures I took of the kids last week. Brandon does have his moments when he actually wants to pose for the camera so I have to take advance of it. I'm still working with Briana to not have the "deer in the headlights" look when posing for a picture.


Amy said...

They are so cute! And Brianna's hair is so beautiful and long now! I love the cute pony on her. So sweet...wish they could come over to play.

Ashley said...

Cute pictures. I love nap time, I hope Will naps for a few more years!