I have lost 5 pounds since the new year which is such an accomplishment for me because I usually have to be big-time motivated like a vacation with bathing suits involved to do it. I totally pigged out at Christmas and then getting back home, I had one pair of jeans that still fit. Most of my weight has come off since I gave up all sweets after Valentine's Day. That's right. No chocolate, cookies, cakes, candy, and ice cream. This has been very hard for me because I have a major sweet tooth but I was determined mainly because my husband didn't think I could do it. I also try to go to the gym at least 4 times a week which has helped my weight loss as well. I can have sweets again at Easter and I'm already planning on making sugar cookies (my favorite) to celebrate. I hope that after Easter I can go back to limiting my sweets and keep the weight off. If I can lose a couple more pounds then great. If I can lose 5 more pounds that would be awesome. It is just nice to be able to fit into all the jeans in my closet - even those that I haven't worn in a year!!
That great, Em! I can just imagine the joy you'll have biting into your first sugar cookie!
I'm down 10 lbs since you saw me...but we all know I have lots more I need to lose, so I too am living the life of deprivation.
Do you find that you can do good for 2-3 weeks and then you hit a wall and mess up with junk for a week? I have a hard time being good for too long...and then I have to repent.
Congrat's Emily. Keep up the good work. Pretty soon, you'll be a hot mama in a bikini this summer!!!:)
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