Friday, April 24, 2009


We had the ultrasound yesterday and found out we are having a girl. To celebrate the occasion I went to Target and had a cake decorated for me. Just something every simple so we could share the news with the kids (even though I don't think they really understand yet what is happening). A couple of my girlfriends were anxious to find out if it was going to be a boy or girl so we decided to have lunch together that afternoon. My neighbor was watching the kids for me so after my appointment, I got the cake and picked up lunch for us. We had a nice lunch just hanging out while the all our kids played together.

We are very excited to share our good news and I'm ready to start planning for her arrival!!
I tried to scan in the ultrasound pictures but I know they are small
but at least it is something to look at.

Monday, April 20, 2009

20 Weeks!!

I'm now at the halfway point in my pregnancy and feeling really good. I am really just trying to enjoy it as much as I can everyday with this (and most likely only) pregnancy. I'm now wearing maternity pants most of the time but can still wear a lot of my t-shirts. My church clothing selection is few but luckily it is only once a week and I don't care if I wear the same things over and over. My only complaints which are expected anyway: trouble getting comfortable while sleeping and having to go to the bathroom all the time. I also know that both complaints are just going to get worse. The things that I love about being pregnant: I've never had so many good hair days and my skin is free of any breakouts and looks great.

We find out the sex on Thursday so check back on Friday for the news!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Activities

Our Easter weekend started with going out to breakfast and then heading to our local city park to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. Of course it was a mad house but the kids had fun picking up easter eggs off the grass field and seeing their baskets fill up with stuff.

I wish I could say that is me in the gray shirt and black sleeves but unfortunately I'm the fat one in jeans tugging at Brandon's sweatshirt

Then for Easter Sunday, we gave the kids their baskets and then headed to church. Since we have early church, we didn't get too many photos of the kids in their Easter clothes. Luckily, we got a really good one of the kids together so that is all that matters to me anyway.

Sundance with Grandpa

My dad was in town this week so we got out and did some fun activities with the kids. One day we drove down to the Sundance Ski Resort just to walk around and enjoy the canyon drive. Before getting to Sundance, we stopped to see my Aunt Dana and cousins and had a great visit with them. I feel like finally Brandon is at a point that we can go to someone's house and he can play with the other kids and I can actually have some good conversations without too many interruptions. Once at Sundance, we just walked around and let the kids play in the snow while my dad and I enjoyed the great weather that day. Surprising the resort is already closed for the ski season but as you can see from the last picture of Brandon, there is still plenty of snow!!