Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Activities

Our Easter weekend started with going out to breakfast and then heading to our local city park to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. Of course it was a mad house but the kids had fun picking up easter eggs off the grass field and seeing their baskets fill up with stuff.

I wish I could say that is me in the gray shirt and black sleeves but unfortunately I'm the fat one in jeans tugging at Brandon's sweatshirt

Then for Easter Sunday, we gave the kids their baskets and then headed to church. Since we have early church, we didn't get too many photos of the kids in their Easter clothes. Luckily, we got a really good one of the kids together so that is all that matters to me anyway.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

How fun! I love Easter. We need to post our stuff. What a cute family! I hope you are feeling great! Do you know what you are having?