Briana is all about the disney princesses these days. A couple days ago for dinner we had Hamburger Helper and toast. I was cleaning up the kitchen and Briana started saying “princess” over and over from her highchair. I looked over at her and she had her toast on her head shaped into a triangle. It took me a second to figure out what she was doing but as she keep repeating princess I laughed out loud. The toast was her tiara and she was a princess. She is such a funny girl. She is so into the princess thing and gets excited every Sunday when I throw down her dress from upstairs for daddy to get her changed. She can’t wait to get her dress on and would probably wear one everyday if she knew where I keep them. They are hung in her closet but she is never around when I get her dresses out so she doesn’t know where they are. Once she has her dress on, she'll hold onto the sides and spin around saying “princess".
Then last week while my mom was here, she brought a ton of princess stuff for Briana because we all know that shopping for girls is much more fun than shopping for boys. Her favorite item grandma gave her was a princess cape. It actually is Barbie brand but she doesn't know that and who cares anyway. She loves to wear it around the house and twirl around saying "princess". I think she says that word more often than any other word now. I shouldn't complain though -there could be worse words coming from her mouth all day!!

That is so cute! Great pictures of her too. I say let her wear dresses EVERY day...all too soon they're off at school & want to wear pants all the time. My neighbor's girl only wears dresses and nothing's been going on for a year now & it's pretty funny.
Too Cute!! I love it!
Thanks for writing this.
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