Thursday, September 25, 2008
Can Never Have To Many...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Love for Balloons
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Family Pictures and Birthday Celebrations
Craig's parents, Craig's sister Kathy, cousin Brooke and Uncle Tyler, us, and Uncle Scott
Birthday party lunch at our house
Aunt Kathy let Brandon blow out the candle
Grandpa Jack

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Brandon's Birthday
They each got new toothbrushes - Tinker Bell and Peter Pan
He loved the airplanes and they are perfect for church
This was his favorite thing by far since he is crazy about Star Wars. I got one for both kids but they were gone by the next morning. Brandon was hitting everything in sight so I think they'll stay hidden for another year or so.
He kept followng Briana around trying to get her to take her lightsaber so they could fight. She wasn't into it as much as him.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Girl's Camp Pictures
Me, Angie-2nd counslor, Leslie-Beehive advisor, Ken Morley-priesthood leader, and Cindy-camp director just hanging out waiting on the girls
(I look huge in this picture. I swear it is the sweatshirt....I swear!!)
Cindy-camp director Lisa-YW President, myself-MM advisor, Kathy-1st counslor
We ate so good while at camp. Dinner this night was salad, spagetti, and breadsticks
This became the usually after dinner was cleaned up every night for the leaders. Occasionally some of the girls would join in the game too.
My horrible canoe experience. We could not keep that thing steady!!
Tubing!! I am on the yellow tube on the far right
This round I'm on the smalll red tube (far left) by myself.
Bro. Willmore who was driving the boat was trying to get me to fall off but he did not succeed. As you can see though, a couple times he got really close!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Star Wars Monsters
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
3-Part Day Trip
Part 1: Park City. We left the house at 9am and headed to the outlet mall there in Park City. We weren't shopping for anything in particular but Eddie Bauer was having a 70% sale so both Craig and I got some things. I wanted to look at the Carter's store for the kids but the line was out the door so we just kept on walking. We lasted about 1 1/2 hours until the kids and I were ready for lunch. We had lunch at Bajio (kinda like a Chipotle) and then headed to Heber City.
Part 2: Midway. We thought we'd check on Swiss Days which is held in a small town called Midway west of Heber. I had heard about Swiss Days from ladies at church who said how fun it is to go to. We drove down the main street first just to check it out and it like driving down a country road of Switzerland. It was the coolest little town. We had to park forever away and take a shuttle to the main area of the festival. Unfortunately I left the camera in the car too so I don't have any pictures of this cute town. It was so crowded that it was hard to even get close to any of the craft booths to see what they were selling. We stopped to get some drinks and find some shade from the heat. We hadn't been there long but the kids were tired since we skipped their naps and it was so hot that we decided to head back to the car. Instead of taking the shuttle though I decided we should walk since our car was down at the other end of main street. Craig complained the whole time since he had to deal with Brandon while I pushed Briana in the stroller and enjoyed passing the local stores and homes on the way.
Part 3: Orem. On our way to Orem, both kids slept in the car and Craig and I enjoyed the beautiful drive through Provo Canyon. We got to my aunt's house early but I was able to help out in the kitchen getting ready for the barbeque. All my cousins and their families were there and we celebrated birthdays for 4 kids all turning 3 years old. Briana is the oldest with her birthday on 8/19. Then my cousin Rachelle's daughter who's birthday is 8/21. Then my other cousin Aaron's daughter turned 3 on 9/1 and then finally Brandon who's birthday is 9/14. This is the 2nd year we've done this so I was prepared this time bringing the kid's bathing suits and pajamas. The kids played in the kiddie pool while the adults ate and then we had cake and ice cream. The weather had cooled down a ton so it was nice sitting outside and visiting with family who I don't see very often. Before we left, we bathed the kids and then got the car loaded for the hour long drive home. We pulled into our driveway at 9:30pm and both kids were asleep. It had been a long but great day for us. We don't do day trips like that very much and now that the kids are getting older, I hope we can do this more often.

My aunt Dana and cousins Rachelle and Shannon (in chair)
Brandon got a huge piece of cake and ate every bite!!

A family photo before heading home with everyone's eye on the camera and smiling...this is a first!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Beautiful Sky