I love taking pictures of my kids once I get them ready for church - so cute!! Briana loves to wear dresses and she only wears them on Sunday so she is all excited. She is also so good about posing for pictures now and it makes picture taking so much easier when I get cooperation. Brandon on the other hand is not so easy. I have to bribe him with his favorite TV show and suckers to stand still for one minute. Then there is his crazy hair. It only stays in place for about an hour once I style it because he is all boy and it doesn't take him long to somehow get all the gel and hair spray to stop doing its work anymore. I had lots of time this morning to get myself and them ready for church since Craig is in Seattle so we are skipping sacrament meeting today. I didn't want to deal with them by myself so I took the easy way out...get to church and head straight to nursery - yes!!
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