Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Love is Spoken Here

The kids and I were hanging out in the kitchen the other day. I was making dinner and they were playing with their toys. Brandon is the most affectionate child and he went over to Briana and spread out his arms and said "hug, hug". She dropped her doll and they gave each other a big hug. Briana then started to pat Brandon's back and said "love you brother". My hand went to my chest and my jaw dropped at what I had just witnessed. I'll admit - I almost started to cry. I was so proud at that moment to have my children express such love to each other. Wishing I had my camera right then and there, I hurried and grabbed it and asked them if they could give each other another hug. Since they were both in a loving mood, they quickly continued to hug each other over and over so I could get some great pictures.

1 comment:

Amy said...

What a great thing to remember...good thing you got your camera!