Saturday, September 13, 2008

Girl's Camp Pictures

Here are some pictures from Girl's Camp and as you can tell from the pics, we had a blast!!

Our "camping grounds". This cabin in Bear Lake is owned by our Camp Director.
I know, I know...we totally had it easy.

Me, Angie-2nd counslor, Leslie-Beehive advisor, Ken Morley-priesthood leader, and Cindy-camp director just hanging out waiting on the girls

All the YW and the pillowcases we made for them during mutual the week before we left. They turned out so cute.

Leslie and me

(I look huge in this picture. I swear it is the sweatshirt....I swear!!)

Our YW Leaders:

Cindy-camp director Lisa-YW President, myself-MM advisor, Kathy-1st counslor

We ate so good while at camp. Dinner this night was salad, spagetti, and breadsticks

This became the usually after dinner was cleaned up every night for the leaders. Occasionally some of the girls would join in the game too.

Beach Time!!

My horrible canoe experience. We could not keep that thing steady!!

Tubing!! I am on the yellow tube on the far right

This round I'm on the smalll red tube (far left) by myself.

Bro. Willmore who was driving the boat was trying to get me to fall off but he did not succeed. As you can see though, a couple times he got really close!!

Our final night after testimony meeting.


Kathy Garcia said...

OK-you have got to get that picture of ME off of your blog! That is hideous. I want that thrown out fast. I don't think you want anyone else to see that either-I will edit it and send it to you and then you can re-post it. TOOOOOO scary!!!! kg

McCartneys said...

Oh guys had it rough! Thats your ward not stake right? Looks like a ton of fun!