Before heading to Temple Square, we ate lunch at Chuck-A-Rama so the kids would have a full tummy in hopes they would cooperate in sitting still for pictures. Once we get there, I got both kids together in front of a bed of tulips and flowers and snapped some pictures. Even though they never really looked at me, I figured to just get what I could and not expect too much. Then I took Briana over to another location for pictures and left Brandon in the care of daddy. Briana was really cute and would grab a tulip bulb and smell it and say, "pretty". She did really good for me sitting still and looking at all the flowers. I turn around to look for Craig and Brandon and I see Brandon leaning over a water fountain splashing away. I'm thinking, "okay, whatever keeps him entertained as long as he doesn't get too wet". The closer I get though I can tell that he is soaked. The front of his shirt looked like it just came out of the washer. Oh well, I guess we are done with pictures and that ended our Temple Square experience which lasted about 15 minutes total.
It's just about freakin' time....OMG!!!
10 years ago
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