Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hogle Zoo and Temple Square

We went to the Hogle Zoo again now that we have an annual membership so daddy could go with us one more time before he starts his new job. We could always go on Saturdays with daddy but we heard it is so crowded that I'll just take the kids by myself on the weekdays. We were only there a couple hours since I wanted to go to Temple Square and get some pictures of the kids with all the blooming tulips. This time at the zoo I got better pictures than last time so here are some of them.

Before heading to Temple Square, we ate lunch at Chuck-A-Rama so the kids would have a full tummy in hopes they would cooperate in sitting still for pictures. Once we get there, I got both kids together in front of a bed of tulips and flowers and snapped some pictures. Even though they never really looked at me, I figured to just get what I could and not expect too much. Then I took Briana over to another location for pictures and left Brandon in the care of daddy. Briana was really cute and would grab a tulip bulb and smell it and say, "pretty". She did really good for me sitting still and looking at all the flowers. I turn around to look for Craig and Brandon and I see Brandon leaning over a water fountain splashing away. I'm thinking, "okay, whatever keeps him entertained as long as he doesn't get too wet". The closer I get though I can tell that he is soaked. The front of his shirt looked like it just came out of the washer. Oh well, I guess we are done with pictures and that ended our Temple Square experience which lasted about 15 minutes total.

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