Okay...so now that we have some extra money coming in (see post below), I convinced Craig that we need to take the kids to the zoo. The last time we went to the zoo was a year ago in Indianapolis and I figure by now the kids would get more out of it since they are older. We got there right when they opened and it was great - no crowds!! Briana did awesome sitting in the stroller almost the whole time we were there. She also loves to wear her sunglasses and wanted to hold the zoo map for us. Brandon lasted about 10minutes in the stroller once we walked into the zoo and would take off on his own. I thought the "Terrible Twos" was going to skip Brandon since he hasn't been that bad temperment wise but it is just kicking in. He fights you if he doesn't get his way and is starting the screaming thing again. I swear it is the loudest scream you'll hear come out of a child. He hasn't learned yet that he needs to stay near us so we basically have to chase him down. Hmmm...maybe next time we'll pretend to lose him and see how he reacts if he can't find us. Anyway, the Hogle Zoo isn't the best zoo I've been too but it was good enough that Craig even bought us a family membership. Hooray!! I'm so excited that I have somewhere (other than just the park) to take the kids to now. The best thing about the zoo though is they have a good sized playground for all ages of kids. We spent almost the last hour there just at the playground and of course Brandon fought us when it was time to go. To finish off a great morning, we headed to Costa Vida for some mexican food with our 'buy one get one free' coupon. Thanks to our friend Amy for the heads up about this place - we love it!! Overall, it's been a great day to get outside, see some animals, and eat some good food.

I realized after adding the photos that the kids have three different shirts on. The morning started out cold so I had on them long sleeve shirts with a sweatshirt over it. Then as it got warmer, they lost the sweatshirt, then eventually lost the long sleeve shirt to a short sleeve shirt that I brought with us. Even Craig and I started with jackets, then long sleeve, then down to short sleeve because the temperture went from 45 to 68 within 3 hours.
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