Thursday, May 29, 2008

Love Affair with Food

With Craig out of town this week, I find myself eating constantly. I think with him around I just didn't eat as much and tried to watch my sweets intake. That now has completely gone out the window and all I crave is sweets. Ice Cream and candy have become my secret love affair while Craig is away. Just this morning after the kids played at the park, we stopped at Albertsons because I needed milk. Of course I walk by the ice cream aisle and I see that Dreyer's Ice Cream is only $2.88. You can't even get a DQ blizzard for that price (my justification). I grab a gallon and the milk and get out before I head down the candy aisle. Then I see a Taco Time and decided to get some take-out for me and the kids. I'd never had Taco Time before and thought it was time to try it. I order 2 pinto bean burritos (looks more like a taquito with a crunch shell) for the kids and I get a 1/2 lb. soft taco. The total came to $6.20 for only 3 items. I thought that was kinda pricey but too late now since I was at the drive-thru window to pay. We get home and I'm getting lunch ready. The burritos were bigger than I thought and could have only ordered 1 for both kids. We sit down to eat and I take a bite of my taco and that was the last bite for me. I didn't care for it at all!! I ended up eating the rest of the burritos once the kids were done and will save the taco for Craig. Oh well. I tried some place new and know that I have no need to go back. At least I know that Taco Bell will never let me down.

Finally it is naptime and time for my date with a big bowl of Dreyer's cookie dough ice cream!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Big Smiles

Last week Briana got into my closet and pulled out a hat to wear. Even though it was way too big, she was so cute so I had to snap a few pictures.

Then today Brandon has been bugging me to death so I pulled out the camera and snapped a few of him trying to grab the camera out of my hands and laughing the whole time.

Whooping Cough Scare

I get a phone call last night from our primary president at church telling me that a child from another ward that meets in our same building has whooping cough and was at church on Sunday. This means that the sick child was probably hacking on everything in the nursery room an hour before my children went in there. They were calling all the nursery children's parents and letting them know of the situation. I guess all the children from the other ward that were in the nursery room with the sick child are all going to get antibiotics to make sure it doesn't spread. I didn't know anything about whooping cough so I spend last night on the internet looking it up. From what I found, it is pretty contagious especially with children and hard to diagnose since most doctors pass it off as a cold or respiratory infection. I don't think I'll have to worry too much about Briana since she has the immune system of a giant but I'm going to watch Brandon since he is always the child to get sick first with stuff.

2nd Round with Briana this whole potty training thing is freaking me out. I really don't want to deal with it, honestly, that is what my problem is with it. Of all the milestones kids go through, this is the one I've been dreading the most. I tried with Briana back in February and she was trained for a week and then completely regressed back to diapers and stopped telling me when she pooped and everything. Well the last couple weeks when I get her out of bed in the morning, I'll ask her if she wants to sit on the potty. Every time she would say NO and I'm thinking, "Am I ever going to be done with this?" Brandon has shown some interest but all he wants to do is sit there, grab toliet paper, and open his legs up to watch it drop into the toliet. I guess I should be happy that at least he'll sit on the thing, naked even. Well this morning she said YES when I asked her the potty question and then right after she was done, she went to her dresser to grab her My Little Pony panties that I've had in there since the last time I tried potty training. She put on the panties herself and was so excited to wear them. At least I planned on being home the next couple days without much to do so we can try this again. Wish me luck - hopefully this time around it will stick!!

Stripping at Night

Brandon has to be the easiest kid to put to sleep at night. After we say our family prayers, he walks into his room, turns off his light and then stands on the railing of his crib waiting to be put into bed. Once he lays down, we walk out and call it done. This last week though when I go to get him in the morning, he is naked except his diaper (thank goodness he isn't taking that off too) with his pajamas discarded in the corner of his crib. I don't know if he is taking them off when he wakes up in the morning or during the night so Tuesday night Craig checked on him before we went to bed. Sure enough, he is laying there naked with his pajamas stuffed underneath him. So last night I put him in a different pair of pajamas and checked on him before I headed to bed since Craig wasn't home yet from a work meeting. His pajamas were on but I think I'll continue to check on him the next couple nights just to make sure he doesn't start stripping at night again.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Young Women In Excellence Night

The last couple of weeks have been very busy because my Mia Maid class at church was in charge of YWIE on Wednesday night. This is a once a year event so it was a pretty big deal. We (me and the other leader, Kathy) had meetings with the girls 2 to 3 times a week planning this event and I'm so glad that it is over. The program started at 7pm so we got to the church at 5:30 thinking we'd have plenty of time. By 6:45pm we are running around the church trying to everything done and I'm feeling like a wet rag. My hair was flat, I had to wipe off all my makeup (what little I had on) because of all the sweat, and I had pit stains under my arms. Ugh! I just felt gross!! Then I had to sit on the stand in the chapel because I was part of the program giving the closing comments. here I am typing away whining about this activity but I'm actually really glad for these opportunities to grow personally and spiritually through these experiences and I'm eternally grateful to be in the Young Women's program. I work with some great women who I have grown to love and have developed great relationships with. The girls in my class are so fun and willing to take on huge projects like this to put in the time and effort to make them great. Overall, it turned out so good and we got a ton of compliments about what a great job we did. I'm so proud of all the hard work that the girls put into it - especially the refreshments which turned out awesome!!

K.C., Ashleigh, and Alexis
(The Mia Maid class - Janice not pictured)

We frosted and decorated all the cookies the night before the activity (all 100 of them!!)

We had two tables at each end for cookies. They were a huge hit and tasted so good!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Special Day

Today is my birthday - 35 freaking years old!! At least I don't feel like a 35 year old woman and hopefully don't look like one either. I guess I'm at that age now that when asked my age, my reply will be "29". Today has been great though so far. Took the kids to the zoo this morning and then meet Craig at his office downtown to go to lunch at Chuck-A-Rama. Okay, I know what you're thinking...Craig is being a cheap bastard again, but no, actually I chose that place. It just sounded good to me. I don't have to worry too much if the kids get alittle rowdy and I couldn't decide what type of food I was in the mood for so it was nice to have a huge variety to choose from. The only bad thing is that I ate way too much and will be hurting for a good couple hours. Maybe i'll just skip dinner tonight and eat dessert but only for today...because today is my birthday!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Funny and not so funny things kids say

Today I was babysitting my neighbor's kids and her son Dylan and my two kids were at the kitchen table having a snack. The boys decided to start drumming on the table with their hands and it was getting pretty loud. The next thing I hear is Briana saying in a demanding voice "Quiet boys". I started to laugh and then added, "You tell 'em Briana." This is just one of many funny things that come out of my daughter's mouth these days. She is learning so much and everyday she surprises me with something new. They really are so fun at this age if only I could take away the tantrums...hmmm.

Another thing that both my kids are saying these days is "I don't want to" but when it comes out of their mouths it sounds like "I don't wanted to". With both of them saying this, I hear it about 50 times a day. I welcome the day when they stop using this statement and it can't happen soon enough.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Hair Bows

My cousin Alicia was in town from Louisiana and brought me a bunch of hair bows for Briana. She started making these for her 2 year old daughter and the ribbon is shaped to make a butterfly - so cute. I had this skirt for Briana that matched one of the hair bows perfectly so I had to take some pictures before we headed out the door to church yesterday.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Being a Mormon in Utah

I have been a member of the LDS church my whole life but have never lived in Utah until now. Since moving here a year ago I have noticed differences of being Mormon in Utah and being Mormon in other parts of the country. I love the fact that most of my ward lives on my street which makes it easy for getting babysitters, doing visiting teaching, and catching rides from others to YW activities, church meetings, etc. Because there are so many members that live in the state of Utah, there are things pertaining to the church that you wouldn't see or hear anywhere else. Craig and I got talking about this subject a couple months ago and since then I've been writing down these differences that make us say, "Only in Utah". Look to the right to check out my list.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Snow in May

On Monday we had like 80 degree, t-shirt and sandal wearing weather and I look out into my backyard today and see snow. From day to day I don't know what clothes to put on the kids because the weather lately has been crazy. We keep getting teased with warm weather for a day or two and then it gets cold again that you can't even take the kids to the park or anything. I'm getting to the point that I'd welcome 100 degree temps right now and just be done with winter weather.