Thursday, May 8, 2008

Funny and not so funny things kids say

Today I was babysitting my neighbor's kids and her son Dylan and my two kids were at the kitchen table having a snack. The boys decided to start drumming on the table with their hands and it was getting pretty loud. The next thing I hear is Briana saying in a demanding voice "Quiet boys". I started to laugh and then added, "You tell 'em Briana." This is just one of many funny things that come out of my daughter's mouth these days. She is learning so much and everyday she surprises me with something new. They really are so fun at this age if only I could take away the tantrums...hmmm.

Another thing that both my kids are saying these days is "I don't want to" but when it comes out of their mouths it sounds like "I don't wanted to". With both of them saying this, I hear it about 50 times a day. I welcome the day when they stop using this statement and it can't happen soon enough.

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