Thursday, May 22, 2008

2nd Round with Briana this whole potty training thing is freaking me out. I really don't want to deal with it, honestly, that is what my problem is with it. Of all the milestones kids go through, this is the one I've been dreading the most. I tried with Briana back in February and she was trained for a week and then completely regressed back to diapers and stopped telling me when she pooped and everything. Well the last couple weeks when I get her out of bed in the morning, I'll ask her if she wants to sit on the potty. Every time she would say NO and I'm thinking, "Am I ever going to be done with this?" Brandon has shown some interest but all he wants to do is sit there, grab toliet paper, and open his legs up to watch it drop into the toliet. I guess I should be happy that at least he'll sit on the thing, naked even. Well this morning she said YES when I asked her the potty question and then right after she was done, she went to her dresser to grab her My Little Pony panties that I've had in there since the last time I tried potty training. She put on the panties herself and was so excited to wear them. At least I planned on being home the next couple days without much to do so we can try this again. Wish me luck - hopefully this time around it will stick!!

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